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Affordable Care Act (ACA)

League Backs ACA (News Clips)

Marilyn A. O'Dell, co-president League of Women Voters of Utah: "Because of these vital benefits, the League of Women Voters supports ACA and aims to inform Utahns about its pivotal impact on their lives."

“The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Car Act will protect health care for Pennsylvanians. This is essential for protecting the health and welfare of our children, our most cherished investment.”

“Supporters of the Affordable Care Act gathered at the [FL] state Capitol Friday to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court's decision upholding the law. The Florida Pediatric Society was joined by the League of Women Voters, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and other consumer advocates to praise the court's landmark decision.”

“‘The League of Women Voters of Asheville-Buncombe County [NC] will continue to educate our community on the ACA and its pivotal impact on their lives and work to fully implement the law. Health care for all must be the goal as we expand coverage to millions of Americans and preserve the ACA’s transformational reforms,’ said Karen Oelschlaeger...”

We are pleased with the Supreme Court's decision upholding the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Today’s decision protects the health of millions of Americans. Read our full statement.

Supreme Court Decision Protects Health Care for Millions of Americans

It is National Women’s Health Week– and groups around the nation are taking a moment to recognize the importance of women’s health, and the impact the

“The Florida League of Women Voters is doing its part to help educate consumers about what is actually in the law — how it affects your health, your family and your pocketbook. We're urging the state to take steps toward a Florida Health Care Exchange.”