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The Environment

The League of Women Voters has been at the forefront of the environmental protection movement for decades, consistently supporting legislation to preserve our nation’s natural resources and protect our public health. We support legislation that seeks to protect our country from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.

Yesterday, the League of Women Voters joined with Rachel’s Action Network (RAN) to host a breakfast honoring the women of the U.S. Congress.

LWVUS submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the proposed standards for reducing carbon pollution from new power plants.

We are deeply disappointed by the State Department's Environmental Impact Statement report on the Keystone XL Pipeline project. We urge President Obama to protect people, not polluters.

In last night’s annual State of the Union (SOTU) address, President Obama laid out his priorities for the coming year. Here’s the rundown of what he said on our issues and how it aligns with League positions.

We have 60 days to tell the EPA we support this effort to reduce the deadly effects that carbon pollution has on the health of our children and our environment. The EPA needs to hear from you—add your voice in favor of this historic regulation!

We are pleased with the Obama Administration's new proposal to limit the amount of carbon pollution for power plants. Climate change is the greatest challenge of our lifetime.

A guest blog post from the League of Women Voters of Johnson County, KS on their testimony to the Environmental Protection Agency on carbon pollution from existing power plants.

The League is participating in #GivingTuesday, an annual campaign created to promote a national day of giving at the start of the holiday season.

Following today’s EPA proposal of the first-ever national carbon pollution standards for new power plants, a coalition of environmental and progressive groups, supporting strong clean air standards, pledged their support for this important action.