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The Environment

The KXL Pipeline jeopardizes the the water we drink, the air we breathe and the planet on which we live. Celebrate Earth Day 2013 and tell Secretary Kerry that the KXL Pipeline is All Risk, No Reward!

Today, the League expressed disappointment with the Obama Administration for missing a key deadline to set industrial carbon pollution standards for new power plants.

Coalition to President Obama and Secretary Kerry: Pipeline is Not in National Interest

This weekend, I gathered with folks from across the country for the largest rally on climate change in U.S. history!

In last night’s State of the Union (SOTU) address, President Obama addressed many crucial issues affecting our country. His remarks touched on some of the League’s priority issues including voting rights, climate change, immigration and gun violence.

President Obama underscored the urgent need to address climate change in his inaugural addr

Next Tuesday, February 12th, President Obama will deliver his annual State of the Union (SOTU) address, which will outline his key priorities for the year and second term in office.