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The Environment

The evidence is clear that human-induced climate change is underway.

We support the Obama Administration's decision to deny the Keystone XL Pipeline, prioritizing public health over profits. The pipeline's route threatened the drinking water of millions of Americans.

We support the Obama Administration's tough new rules regulating mercury and other toxic air pollutants from power plants. This is about protecting people's lives.

The League and coalition partners sent a letter to Senate and House leadership, opposing the attachment of any anti-environmental riders to the spending and tax bills that Congress is trying to get done before the end of the year.

League Cheers Decision to Protect People, Not Polluters

National Poll Shows Strong Disapproval for President Obama’s Smog Rule Delay, Unfavorable Ratings for Congress’ Assault on Clean Air Act

League President Elisabeth MacNamara sent a letter to President Obama expressing opposition to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline and urging him to deny the permit for the pipeline's construction. 

Leading Environmental Groups Call on Senate to Reject It, Commend Veto Threat from White House

For Immediate Release

New TV Ad Calls for Elected Officials, Citizens, and Community Leaders to Protect Public Health