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The Environment

LWVUS and LWV Lake Michigan joined a letter sent to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations in support of funding for Great Lakes restoration priorities. 

The League joined letters to the U.S. Senate in opposition to the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2017 and the Midnight Rules Relief Act.

LWVUS joined LWVMD and 40 other national and local organizations supporting rescission of a resolution that calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention.

The League joined a letter to members of Congress opposing efforts to overturn the Bureau of Land Managment's Methane and Natural Gas Waste Rule.

The League sent a memo to the U.S. Senate about the most recent nominee to the Supreme Court.

The League joined a letter to Capitol Hill urging Congress to table Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions of disapproval, which would harm American workers, consumers, and families.

The League joined partners on a letter to President Obama thanking him for taking historic action to protect the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from offshore drilling.

Washington, DC – The League of Women Voters president, Chris Carson, issued the following statement after President Trump signed executive actions to advance the construction of th

The League joined a letter to the U.S. House in opposition of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2017.

WASHINGTON (November 18, 2016) – The Obama Administration took bold action today, announcing it will exclude the Arctic Ocean from its oil and gas leasing progr