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Press Releases
Any objection to this process is simply political theater which directly mocks and defies our Constitution. 
The League applauds bipartisan support and urges Congress to consider more relief
The Idaho law  violates Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination in educational programs or activities.
Today the League of Women Voters of the United States board of directors took steps to withdraw recognition of the League of Women Voters of Nevada.
A federal district court judge dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Trump’s reelection campaign against Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and seven counties.
The League of Women Voters of the United States calls on the General Services Administration to fulfil the duties and ascertain president-elect Joe Biden immediately.
We commend Mr. Krebs and. the staff of CISA for their hard work to safeguard our votes and ensure American elections are safe from cyber-attacks.
LWV of the United States and the Leagues of California, Florida, and Texas filed an amicus brief in New York v. Trump, a case which challenges President Trump’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census.
Democracy defines America, and democracy has prevailed in the 2020 elections.
LWV of Pennsylvania and partners filed an amicus brief in Hamm v. Boockvar, a case that challenges the state’s practice of notifying voters whose ballots have signature errors and allowing them to cast a provisional ballot. 

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