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Press Releases
The League of Women Voters strongly endorses this common-sense bipartisan legislation, and we stand ready to work with lawmakers to see it become law.
We commend President Biden for prioritizing the reunification of thousands of families separated by the previous administration.
LWVUS and LWV of Rhode Island filed an amicus brief in the case of Cook v. Raimondo, in which twelve student plaintiffs are suing the state of Rhode Island to demand a right to an education adequate to prepare students to engage in civic society. 
 It is essential that all persons in America have access to affordable health care and that no one be denied coverage after contracting COVID-19.   
The League of Women of the United States president Dr. Deborah Ann Turner issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s Executive Orders on Climate Change.
The Senate must serve as impartial jurors not tied to party lines, and convict him, ensuring that Donald Trump is banned from running for federal office again.
Brnovich v. DNC is a case before the Supreme Court addressing the collection of ballots by third parties and the counting of provisional ballots cast outside of a voter’s designated precinct. 
Donald Trump must be immediately removed as President of the United States of America and banned from running for federal office ever again. 
Today’s activity on Capitol Hill should have been a procedural exercise to finalize the 2020 election. Instead, our nation's Capitol was attacked by domestic terrorists seeking to invalidate the will of the people.  
The U.S. House of Representatives introduced H.R. 1, the For the People Act, a sweeping democracy reform bill that was first introduced in 2019.

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