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Press Releases

Press Releases
The League of Women Voters of Texas and other civil rights groups reached a settlement with Texas state officials today to end the discriminatory purging of the state’s voter rolls.
Following the introduction of the For the People Act in the Senate, we launched a nationwide campaign to promote a hearing on the bill. We published newspaper ads and wrote postcards to Senators.
Today a panel of federal district judges ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters of Michigan in their First and Fourteenth Amendment challenges to the state and congressional redistricting plans. 
The Mueller report makes it clear: Congress should pass the For the People Act  to modernize our elections and increase transparency.
This bill will make elections fairer and put power back in the hands of the American people.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Rucho v. League of Women Voters North Carolina, which could result in ending partisan gerrymandering across the nation. 
Today a Wisconsin judge ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin in our suit against the state legislature. 
The League of Women Voters of Maryland joined a brief filed with the United States Supreme Court challenging political gerrymanders.
LWV Urges Senate Leaders to Vote on This Essential Bill   WASHINGTON - Today, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the For the People Act…
With the introduction of this bill, it is time for Congress to update the Voting Rights Act and restore the vote for millions of disenfranchised voters. 

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