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Press Releases
LWV of North Carolina supports the Board of Elections’ decision to delay certification of the results of the 9th Congressional District election until a thorough investigation has been conducted.
Voters Must Have the Opportunity to Cure Mail-in Ballots PHOENIX – Friday the League of Women Voters of Arizona along with LULAC and Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation was…
The League celebrates 2018 midterms voting rights victories in Florida, Maryland, and Michigan. When it came to issues of elections, voters overwhelmingly selected to expand voting rights.
Expected Historic Voter Turnout in Record-Setting Midterm  Washington, DC – On Tuesday, Americans elected more female candidates to office than ever before.…
Today a three-judge panel ruled that four Wake County House Districts violated the North Carolina Constitution and ordered the district maps redrawn in the next legislative session.
On Monday, a Judge in New Hampshire issued an injunction stopping the state from advancing a controversial election law requiring extra documentation in order to register to vote.
The League of Women Voters’ President Chris Carson and CEO Virginia Kase joint statement after the Senate voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court justice. 
The League of Women Voters' CEO Virginia Kase participated in the civil disobedience to protest Judge Kavanaugh and was among the activists arrested at the Capitol. 
Judge Kavanaugh has shown the country that he does not possess fair and unbiased judicial temperament.
Washington, DC – The League of Women Voters President Chris Carson and CEO Virginia Kase issued the following joint statement: “This hearing was an appalling display…

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