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Press Releases

Press Releases
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania issued the following statement on the Supreme Court decision refusing to block the redrawing of Pennsylvania's congressional districts. 
League of Women Voters president Chris Carson issued the following statement in response to a Department of Homeland Security bill provision that would allow President Trump to dispatch Secret Service agents to polling places:
Washington, DC – League of Women Voters president Chris Carson issued the following statement in response to the reports of President Trump’s atrocious comments during…
Washington, DC – League of Women Voters president, Chris Carson issued the following statement in response to President Trump's Executive Order terminating his 'election integrity' commission.
The League opposes the Senate's plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act as part of a tax overhaul bill. The newest attack on the ACA would cut health care coverage for 13 million people and increase premiums by double digits. 
President Trump’s executive order to end health care subsidies for insurance companies will raise premiums and leave more Americans without meaningful health insurance.
By repealing the Clean Power Plan, the White House is putting the interests of corporate polluters ahead of the health and safety of the American public.
Eliminating employer-covered birth control coverage, a requirement under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a direct assault on a woman’s right to make her own health care choices.
Texas Advocacy Groups to Texas Officials: Handing Over Voter Information Violates State Law
As we grieve for the victims and those who lost loved ones, we are horrified, angry and frustrated that our country once again faces a new record for bloodshed in the worst mass shooting.

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