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Voting Rights Act (VRA)

League of Women Voters of the US Board President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner issued the following statement in response to the Senate’s first floor vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

LWVUS joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights calling on the US Senate to move the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act forward for debate.

League President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner and CEO Virginia Kase sent the following memo to President Biden and his administration following the 2020 election.

Virginia Kase Solomón, CEO of the League of Women Voters, talks about why voting rights advocates are putting pressure on President Biden to help move voting rights legislation through Congress.

Activists from the League of Women Voters, People For the American Way, and Declaration for American Democracy demonstrate at White House for action on the freedom to vote.
We need you to be the leader that will get these bills across the finish line. Protecting voting rights is the key to addressing all the issues that are keeping all of us up at night.  
In a memo to the US Senate, LWV urged Senators to support passage of the Freedom to Vote Act.
This week, the US Senate introduced new legislation that protects and expands the right to vote, decreases the influence of money in politics, and curbs partisan gerrymandering. The Freedom to Vote Act will set national standards to make sure all Americans can cast their ballots in the way that works best for them, regardless of their age, race, sex, language, or zip code. 

In early September 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) into law. This anti-voter legislation makes it virtually impossible for certain voters to cast their ballots. 

Yet shockingly, the situation was almost worse. If not for pro-voter advocacy by the Texas League and other voting rights allies, even more restrictive policies might have been enacted, further disempowering Texans and degrading the promise of democracy.

Dr. Deborah Ann Turner issued the following statement following the US House passage of HR 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.