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Voting Rights Act (VRA)

The League joined the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights on a letter sent to the U.S. House of Representatives in favor of final passage of H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Legislation that responds to the Shelby decision will now come to the floor of the U.S. House. H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), has broad support from civil rights and voting rights groups across the country. 

LWVUS seeks to find common ground with lawmakers as H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act moves forward in Committee this fall. 

On the sixth anniversary of Shelby v. Holder, the Supreme Court decision that gutted the heart of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), the U.S. House Judiciary Committee conducted a hearing on the continuing challenges to voting rights in our country. 

On May 6, the House Administration Subcommittee on Elections visited Fort Lauderdale, Florida to hold a field hearing on voting rights and elections. I represented LWVFL as a testifying witness.

The League joined over 100 organizations on letters to all announced presidential candidates urging them to implement a democracy reform plan. 

Dakota citizens and members of Congress gathered at Fort Yates, on the Standing Rock Sioux Nation, for a field hearing of the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Elections.

The League urged Representatives to support HR4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act.

LWVUS joined other civil rights organizations supporting the Native American Voting Rights Act of 2019. 

The League of Women Voters strongly urges members of the U.S. House to vote for HR1, the For the People Act.