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Voting Rights Act (VRA)

The League sent a memo to the U.S. Senate urging members to support and co-sponsor a companion bill to HR1, the For the People Act.

LWV Supports H.R. 4 (Press Release)

With the introduction of this bill, it is time for Congress to update the Voting Rights Act and restore the vote for millions of disenfranchised voters. 

The League and members of the Declaration for American Democracy Coalition sent a joint statement from diverse groups to the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of HR1, the For the People Act.

Members of the LWVUS Lobby Corps visited members of the U.S. House urging them to support HR1, the For the People Act.

The first bill introduced by the 116th Congress will make our election system more free, fair, and accessible to all eligible Americans.  

Same Day Registration is the best stop-gap solution to solve errors in the registration process, fix inaccuracies in voter rolls, reduce provisional ballots, and increase voter participation.

LWVUS  submitted comments about the federal government's role in civil rights enforcement on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights' Fall Report.

Congress could make history with HR1, a comprehensive package of democracy reforms. We have been working to ensure that it strengthens voting rights.

The League sent a memo to the U.S. Senate outlining four questions that should be asked of any U.S. Supreme Court nominee during the confirmation process. 

Shelby County v. Holder was a landmark case addressing the constitutionality of two provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Here's what's happened in the five years since the case was decided.