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The Environment

LWVUS sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and Interior Secretary Haaland to comment on oldgrowth trees and forests should be defined/managed to provide the greatest climate benefits

Even if you live a thousand miles from the nearest coast, oceans —which make up nearly seventy percent of our blue planet — affect your life. As human carbon emissions warm our atmosphere, the ocean absorbs both CO2 and heat, buffering us from the worst effects of our excess. But giving us that protection has changed the oceans we depend on.   

The League signed onto a letter to select legislators urging them to support the National Climate Adaptation and Resilience Strategy Act (NCARS; S. 3531). 

The SEC requested public comments on a proposed amendment to the Securities Act of 1933 and Securities Exchange Act 1934 . The League supports the proposed amendment.

Carbon emissions are causing widespread and potentially irreversible damage to the environment  —  and also have a significant impact on the economy.  

While some people rationalize our failure to decrease emissions by keeping that the actions needed to do so would hurt the economy, the costs of doing nothing are even higher and are increasing with every day of inaction.  

LWVUS and LWV Utah urge Sec. Haaland to reverse the previous administration’s decision allowing the Northern Corridor highway in Utah’s Red Cliffs National Conservation Area and Reserve.

LWVUS urged Senators to prioritize invest in renewable energy, implement a plan to put a price on carbon, and address the long-term impacts climate change has on public health

We are still awaiting meaningful action on climate in Congress, and remain hopeful that members of Congress will see that climate change doesn’t exist in a silo — it is inextricably connected to many other issues, including our economy. Shifting from a linear to a circular economy is one potential path for mitigating the risk of climate change.

In the US, most people take for granted that ample food and clean water are, and will be, available for consumption. Yet climate change has already impacted food and water resources here and around the world.

The League sent a letter to the White House outlining the issues that we hope President Biden will touch on during the State of the Union.