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LWV Staff

Over 26 states have, or will soon have, online voter registration. The proposed online voter registration bills in Florida and Texas would provide thousands of citizens the ability to easily register to take part in our democracy.

Mother's Day is the day to honor all of the moms who balance motherhood with being an active citizen, therefore ensuring our kids – and our communities – have the tools they need to be smart voters and active participants in our democracy.

Watch our new video, which outlines five ways to improve our elections.

"The League joined in this case to further the simple goal of protecting government that is transparent and accountable to voters,” said League President Elisabeth MacNamara.

By putting a price on carbon emissions, we can encourage companies to reduce their emissions and use market forces to fight the biggest contributor to climate change.

For the third time in four years, Georgia legislators attacked early voting. Their decision to mandate Sunday voting reduce the overall number of days available for voters to cast their ballot early.

Last week, I sat with our national president, Elisabeth MacNamara as she connected state League presidents on conference calls to share their experiences with their state’s legislatures.

Faced with a slate of 10 candidates for city government, the League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri decided to try something new to introduce them to voters. The League dubbed the event “Candi-dating” and based the format on speed dating.

Over the last week, we saw three big wins for voting rights at the state level. It is, we hope, a bellwether of things to come.

To mark Women’s History Month and to reflect on the League’s history, we recently spoke with some of our former presidents to hear about their best memories as well as their vision for the future of the League of Women Voters.