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LWV Staff

Local members, supporters and online activists join together to work for a better America as the League celebrates 95 years.

“It is time for President Obama to follow through on his promise to veto this misguided legislation,” said League President Elisabeth MacNamara.

League President MacNamara urges the FEC to update campaign finance regulations to provide full disclosure so that the Citizens United decision does not continue as the giant loophole for secret giving that it has become.

“The President must veto. Keystone is not in our national interest,” says League President Elisabeth MacNamara.

The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts guest blogs on their new buffer zone law for the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

“We are pleased that the President has launched another salvo in his broad-based attack on climate change,” said Elisabeth MacNamara, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States.

Representative Steve Scalise’s recent comments regarding the League of Women Voters were misinformed. We are committed to working for all voters regardless of their party affiliation.

For the League of Women Voters of Washington (LWVWA), it was an Election Day we’ll never forget: over one million Washington voters said YES to backgrounds checks on gun purchases.

“The President’s executive action, while a good start, is just a temporary first step. Congress needs to stop pointing fingers and get to work on this vital issue." said national League President Elisabeth MacNamara.

"Today's Keystone decision is encouraging and puts the health and safety of Americans ahead of blind reliance on fossil fuels," said President MacNamara.