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"Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the League of Women Voters of Florida put aside past differences over new restrictions on voter registration drives and joined forces Tuesday for a media campaign."

"The nonpartisan League of Women Voters of the U.S. (LWV) is sponsoring a national program called Power the Vote to register citizens for the fall general election Nov. 6. In support of the get-out-the-vote efforts, Elisabeth MacNamara, president of the national organization, is making an 11-state swing through the U.S., including a stop in Kansas City [MO]. She will participate in a League of Women Voters September 24 voter registration drive held at Center High School from 11:45 to 12:45."Read more here:


“This November’s election is likely to be one of the most important in American citizens’ lifetime, given the issues at stake and the confusion surrounding election law, says the president of the League of Women Voters. ... In a nationwide tour that included a stop in the Kansas City [MO] area, Elisabeth MacNamara visited the Jackson County Election Board and The Examiner Monday afternoon. “

"Regardless of who you plan to vote for this November, Gene Everitt, the co-president for the League of Women Voters for Mississippi said you need to make sure you can vote by beating the voter registration deadline."

"Monday's closing arguments followed a week-long trial that will decide if the ID law, which requires a valid government-issued ID to vote, will take effect."

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