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“The League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri is hoping more women will take a shot at a leadership role. ...  In the "Picturing Women Leaders" photo contest, all you need is a cell phone and an eye for women in the lead to enter. ... But, the point is to get all women to envision themselves taking the lead and giving women a voice in their community.”


“On Sept. 25, the Montana League of Women Voters and other organizations across our state will be registering voters — in libraries, colleges and universities, in front of places of business and retail stores.”


"The League of Women Voters of Adams County [CO] is launching a voter-registration campaign in Adams County to engage new voters before the November election."


“Along with hundreds of other nonprofit organizations all over the county, the League of Women Voters of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff [IL] is participating in National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, Sept. 25.”


“In a lawsuit filed Wednesday against the state, the League of Women Voters of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union and four college students are seeking an injunction against use of the new form, arguing that it’s designed to compel students to do something that isn’t required by state law.”


“ABC 7 Chicago, the station that has broadcast candidate debates for more than two decades, will partner with the League of Women Voters of Illinois for two, half-hour debates with the candidates of the 10(th) and 11(th) Congressional Districts.”


“Ryan Story, who will turn 18 in October, is the only person in his Advanced Placement English class at Westhill High School who will be old enough to vote in this year's presidential election. ... Story and his parents have spoken about registering to vote on several occasions, but his family suspected there would be an his high school...this fall. So he waited -- until Thursday, when representatives from Stamford's [CT] League of Women Voters and the city's registrars of voters visited 12th-grade language arts classes to have students register.”


“Pennsylvania's state Supreme Court justices on Thursday aggressively questioned whether a politically charged law requiring photo identification from all voters should take effect for the Nov. 6 presidential election and whether it guarantees the right to vote.”

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