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"Monday's closing arguments followed a week-long trial that will decide if the ID law, which requires a valid government-issued ID to vote, will take effect."

"So far, 657,201 people have registered to vote in Montana, according to the Secretary of State Office. The rest of the population will have no say in the Nov. 6 general election — unless they register soon. ... The League of Women Voters of Billings wants to help more eligible residents exercise their precious right to vote. League volunteers will participate Tuesday in National Voter Registration Day."

 "The young co-president of the local chapter of the League is using technology to distribute more information about upcoming elections. Alice Giles has a tendency to talk fast. Whether the subject is new town zoning, the upcoming elections or advocating for stormwater management, she can talk extensively on many topics. ... Providing information is what Giles, 26, does as co-president of the League of Women Voters of Howard County [MD].

"If you are not yet registered to vote, save this date: Tuesday, Sept. 25. On that day, go sign up. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of help."

"The Hawaii State League of Women Voters (LWVHI) is asking state and county elections officials to take definitive action on the primary election day mishaps that transpired on the Big Island."

"Pennsylvania's highest court on Tuesday told a lower court judge to stop a tough new law requiring voters to show photo identification from taking effect in this year's presidential election if he finds voters cannot easily get ID cards or if he thinks they will be disenfranchised."

"With the backdrop of National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 25, the League of Women Voters of Southeastern Connecticut has scheduled voter registration sessions in New London, Groton and Norwich, with more expected in October."

Leelanau League of Women Voters [MI] seeks to establish its own, separate entity.


“Along with hundreds of other nonprofit organizations all over the county, the League of Women Voters of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff [IL] is participating in National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, Sept. 25.”


“In a lawsuit filed Wednesday against the state, the League of Women Voters of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union and four college students are seeking an injunction against use of the new form, arguing that it’s designed to compel students to do something that isn’t required by state law.”

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