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"A judge postponed Pennsylvania's controversial voter identification requirement on Tuesday, ordering the state not to enforce it in this year's presidential election. ... The decision by Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson on the law requiring each voter to show a valid photo ID could be appealed to the state Supreme Court. The law could go into full effect next year, under Simpson's ruling."

"MacNamara has been traveling from state to state to speak with different LWV chapters about making sure that they are getting the message out to voters about their rights at the polls. Michigan is her fourth state in two weeks."

"One thing is certain on Election Day — “We do know there is going to be confusion,” said Elisabeth MacNamara, national president of the League of Women Voters. ... She was in Saugatuck Friday speaking about issues Michigan faces in informing voters. MacNamara has been traveling the country speaking to local Leagues."

"On a whirlwind ten-state tour to promote voting in the presidential election, the League of Women Voters National President Elisabeth MacNamara made a stop in Grosse Pointe [MI] at the War Memorial on Wednesday."

"Secretary of State Ken Detzner and the League of Women Voters of Florida put aside past differences over new restrictions on voter registration drives and joined forces Tuesday for a media campaign."

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