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Voter Registration

EDITORIAL NOTE: This blog post was originally posted on the Huffington Post.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), we’re joining with Project Vote and other voting rights advocates for a tweet chat!

This case puts independent voter registration drives, like those conducted by the League, squarely in the crosshairs of those that want to restrict access to political participation and voting.

"They came from places like Vietnam, Somalia, and China. Seventeen different countries were represented Friday in south St. Louis County, as 23 petitioners gave up their native citizenship to become naturalized Americans. ... the St. Louis area League of Women Voters had a booth to register the new American citizens to vote, following the ceremony."

"'El Paso is not alone in low voter turnout, because Texas also lags behind other states,' said Linda Krefting, president of the Texas League of Women Voters... 'The states that have consistently high voter turnout have voter-friendly election procedures, and the Texas Legislature could adopt comparable procedures,' Krefting said. 'Same day voter registration which allows voters to register on election day is common in states with consistently high voter turnout.' ... 'Texas needs to make sure that voter registration at DPS offices is simplified and registrations are processed appropriately.'"

"he League of Women Voters of Greater Rockford [IL] registers citizens to vote before every election. During our fall drive, we registered 521 people at high schools, colleges, libraries, supermarkets and a manufacturing company. Registering to vote is just one small step. Tuesday, Nov. 6, it is important that voters use their power to guide the fate of our nation."

"The Lawrence/Douglas County League of Women Voters — thanks to 33 volunteers — registered nearly 300 voters at 29 events this summer and fall. A highlight was witnessing dozens of brand-new, naturalized citizens, moments after this fall’s ceremony ...swarm our voter registration table to become eligible to vote. Now we are hoping every newly registered voter does vote on Nov. 6, along with the nearly 80,000 other registered voters in Douglas County."

"Fannie Conner will travel anywhere in the Big Apple to get people to register and vote. During her 50 years as a member of the League of Women Voters of the City of New York, and armed only with a shopping bag full of voting materials, she’s gone to prison halfway houses, city high schools, neighborhood public libraries and Manhattan skyscrapers in her quest to get every last eligible New Yorker to exercise this most fundamental rite of American citizenship."

"The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether Arizona may require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. The federal appeals court in San Francisco had blocked the state law, saying it conflicted with a federal one."

"'Are you trying to get registered to vote?' Ruth Dixon asks a student venturing shyly toward the League of Women Voters of Alameda’s table in the quad at St. Joseph Notre Dame High School at the end of a noisy lunchtime rush. When the 17-year-old student nods, Dixon whisks her into a chair and hands her a pen and a voter registration form."