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Voter Registration

"Jayme Montgomery wasn't messing around. As state director of the Wisconsin League of Young Voters, she asked a small gathering of Mount Mary College students at a voter registration forum to cast ballots on the issues most important to them. ... In order to vote, students had to show ID.... 'I bring up the voter ID because I think it provides a concrete way that the vote is suppressed,' she said .... 'Politics is about choices, getting choices and decisions made,' she said. 'You either decide, or it will be decided for you.'"

“'If someone is not registered yet, come Monday it’s going to be too late for them,' said Ashton Stewart, executive director of the League of Women Voters of New York City."

"The state’s highest court dealt the Republican-led Legislature a critical setback Tuesday, blocking use of a new voter registration form for the Nov. 6 election."

"The two volunteers from the League of Women Voters had chosen the bus station Thursday to "reach out to under-represented voters," said Darden Rice, 42, president of the St. Petersburg chapter. ... Folks coming through there probably don't have cars to drive to the Supervisor of Elections office to sign themselves up, might not have access to a computer to register online."

"MacNamara has been traveling from state to state to speak with different LWV chapters about making sure that they are getting the message out to voters about their rights at the polls. Michigan is her fourth state in two weeks."


“This November’s election is likely to be one of the most important in American citizens’ lifetime, given the issues at stake and the confusion surrounding election law, says the president of the League of Women Voters. ... In a nationwide tour that included a stop in the Kansas City [MO] area, Elisabeth MacNamara visited the Jackson County Election Board and The Examiner Monday afternoon. “