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Voter Registration


“This November’s election is likely to be one of the most important in American citizens’ lifetime, given the issues at stake and the confusion surrounding election law, says the president of the League of Women Voters. ... In a nationwide tour that included a stop in the Kansas City [MO] area, Elisabeth MacNamara visited the Jackson County Election Board and The Examiner Monday afternoon. “

"Regardless of who you plan to vote for this November, Gene Everitt, the co-president for the League of Women Voters for Mississippi said you need to make sure you can vote by beating the voter registration deadline."

 Editorial Note: This piece was first published on my Huffington Post blog.
Tomorrow is the day -- it's National Voter Registration Day, a nationwide, nonpartisan effort to register thousands of voters on one single day!

"So far, 657,201 people have registered to vote in Montana, according to the Secretary of State Office. The rest of the population will have no say in the Nov. 6 general election — unless they register soon. ... The League of Women Voters of Billings wants to help more eligible residents exercise their precious right to vote. League volunteers will participate Tuesday in National Voter Registration Day."

"With the backdrop of National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 25, the League of Women Voters of Southeastern Connecticut has scheduled voter registration sessions in New London, Groton and Norwich, with more expected in October."