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Voter Registration

"If you are not yet registered to vote, save this date: Tuesday, Sept. 25. On that day, go sign up. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of help."


“On Sept. 25, the Montana League of Women Voters and other organizations across our state will be registering voters — in libraries, colleges and universities, in front of places of business and retail stores.”


"The League of Women Voters of Adams County [CO] is launching a voter-registration campaign in Adams County to engage new voters before the November election."


“Along with hundreds of other nonprofit organizations all over the county, the League of Women Voters of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff [IL] is participating in National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, Sept. 25.”


“Elisabeth MacNamara, president of the League of Women Voters, said 30 local chapters are registering voters in Florida, trying to make up for lost time. ... ‘They are targeting under-served communities,’ she said. ‘They're working at bus stops, community colleges, baseball games, naturalization ceremonies and other events.’”


“On the inaugural National Voter Registration Day, Sept. 25, the League of Women Voters of the Hamptons [NY] will be at 15 sites stretching from Montauk to Westhampton Beach to register new voters in time for the presidential election.”


“While some folks are content to sit around and complain about low voter turnout, the women of the SaddleBrooke unit of the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson [AZ] are out to do something about it. The four-women team intends to rock the vote by getting as many people as register to vote while educating them about the process and making sure they have the information they need to get to the polls.”


“The League of Women Voters of New Hampshire and four college students, represented by the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union, sued the state yesterday, alleging that newly implemented voter registration requirements effectively create a poll tax and prevent students from voting.”


“Western Michigan University students will Rock the Vote Wednesday, Sept. 19, at the Campus Flagpoles and in front of the Bernhard Center. ... 2 to 6 p.m.—Student volunteers and members of the Kalamazoo Area League of Women Voters will staff voter registration tables at the Bernhard Center and Campus Flagpoles.”


“Betty Lockett had one wish for her 103rd birthday Monday. ‘For my birthday present I asked to have 103 people register to vote,’ said Lockett, a widowed Hammond centenarian, retired nurse and Mississippi native. ... ‘I want people to have that freedom to vote and be counted on Election Day,’ said Lockett... ‘The young people especially need that. Voting gives them a boost and wakes them up to see what’s going on.’  ... So Monday...the League of Women Voters of the Calumet Area [IN] registered voters.”